Meet the team that participates and assists in the activities promoted by the Ruptura project
Aideé Lara Juárez
Law degree from La Salle University. Master's Degree in Criminal Law from the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales. Specialist in Comprehensive Documentation of Torture Cases in accordance with the guidelines of the Istanbul Protocol at the Institute for Professional Training and Higher Studies of the General Inspectorate of Justice of Mexico City. Currently studying Legal Education at the Centro de Estudios sobre la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje del Derecho. Consultant and Training Coordinator on issues of citizen security, gender violence, crime prevention, human rights, disappearance of persons, criminal procedure law, among others.
Daniel Araya González
Master and specialist in Constitutional Justice and Human Rights from the University of Bologna (Italy). Specialist in Agrarian and Environmental Law from the University of Costa Rica. Law degree from La Salle University (Costa Rica). Permanent professor and coordinator of the Legal Clinic on Climate Change, Interculturalism, Environment and Human Rights at Universidad Fidélitas (Costa Rica). Member of the Comité para el Análisis Ecológico del Derecho del Centro Euroamericano de Políticas Constitucionales (CEDEUAM) of the University of Salento (Italy).
Roselia Castro Madrigal
Graduate and Master in Law from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Mestre em Direito com orientação em Juicio Orales en materia Penal (2017). Mestre em Direito Processual Civil, Familiar e Mercantil (2023) e com estudos no Doutorado em Direito (2019), all with the Instituto de Formación e Investigaciones Jurídicas de Michoacán (Mexico). Lawyer and Professor in the areas of Criminal Law, Litigation and Strategy in Oral Trials, Amparo, Trial Debate Techniques, Human Rights, Hermeneutics, Argumentation and Legal Research, in post-graduate courses in Law at the Instituto de Formación e Investigaciones Jurídicas de Michoacán and at the Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas.
Ulises Nicolás Carmona García
Graduate in Law, from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Master in Criminal Law with orientation in Oral Trials and Doctorate studies in Law. Master in Criminology, Criminal Policy and Public Safety, all from the Instituto de Formaciones e Investigaciones Jurídicas del Estado de Michoacán. Lawyer and Professor in the areas of Criminal Law, Litigation and Strategy in Oral Trials; Criminal Protection; Debate Techniques in Court; Human rights.