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Dependency and Latin America" seminar

Writer's picture: RupturaRuptura

On April 17, 7pm, Ruptura will hold the seminar "Dependency and Latin America" as part of the "Ruptura Debate Cycle: Socio-environmental and climate challenges for the 21st century" organized as a teaching project of the Postgraduate Law Program (PPGD) at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM).

The seminar inaugurates the partnership between Ruptura and the Institute for Research, Law and Social Movements (IPDMS).

Registration can be done via sympla here

The event is free and will be broadcast live on Ruptura's YouTube channel: @projetoruptura.

The speakers will be members of the IPDMS Law and Marxism Working Group:

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Prestes Pazello

Professor of Law and of the Postgraduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). PhD in Social Relations Law from the Graduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGD/UFPR). Master's Degree in Philosophy and Theory of Law from the Graduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (CPGD/UFSC). Bachelor of Laws from UFPR. Leader of the Cooperative Law and Citizenship Center (NDCC/UFPR). Researcher in the "Law and Marxism" Thematic Group (GT), having already been its coordinator, and in the Institute for Research, Rights and Social Movements (IPDMS), of which he has been national secretary and advisor. He is the coordinator of the popular extension/communication project Movimento de Assessoria Jurídica Universitária Popular - MAJUP Isabel da Silva, and a member of the collective Planejamento Territorial e Assessoria Popular (PLANTEAR) at UFPR.

Dr. Guilherme C. Uchimura

PhD in Public Policy from PPPP/UFPR - Postgraduate Program in Public Policy at the Federal University of Paraná, with a scholarship from CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (2018-2022). Master's in Public Policy from the same program (2017-2018). Graduated in Law from the State University of Londrina (2010-2014). Researcher associated with IPDMS - Institute for Research, Rights and Social Movements. Member of the Editorial Team of the journal InSURgência: Revista de Direitos e Movimentos Sociais. Worked as a Legal Researcher at the Declatra Institute in Curitiba/PR (2015-2016). Worked as a Professor on the Law Course at UniSociesc - Centro Universitário Sociesc in Joinville/SC (2019-2020). He works as a Technical Advisor in the Legal Area at the State Association for Environmental and Social Defense - AEDAS, in the Technical Advisory Project for the communities affected by the Serra Azul Dam Emergency Plan, in Itatiaiuçu - MG (2023-). He writes for Brasil de Fato Paraná's column Que Direito é Esse. He has experience as a researcher, teacher, lawyer, popular legal advisor and trade union legal advisor. He researches in the areas of sociology of law and anthropology of law, with an emphasis on: rights and social movements; Marxist critique of law; popular movements; struggles for rights; socio-environmental conflicts; populations affected by dams.

Dr. Naiara A. Bittencourt

PhD and Master's in Human Rights and Democracy from UFPR's Postgraduate Law Program. Advisor to the Agricultural Policy and Information Directorate of the National Supply Company - Conab. She worked as a lawyer and coordinator of the Iguaçu Program at the human rights organization Terra de Direitos on the Biodiversity and Food Sovereignty axis between 2017-2023. She was a member of the Biodiversity Working Group of the National Articulation of Agroecology and the Seeds of Agroecology Network in Paraná during the same period. She was a representative on the Paraná State Organic Production Commission CPOrg/PR (2020-2022) and the Agroecology and Organic Agriculture Chamber of the Paraná Rural Development and Family Farming Council (Cedraf) (2020-2022). She was a member of the National Commission for Agroecology and Organic Production - CNAPO (2017-2018). She was the Administrative Coordinator of the Milton Santos Training Center - Lorenzo Milani (2019-2022). She is a guest lecturer at postgraduate law courses in Paraná. She took part in founding and coordinating the Popular Legal Promoters of Curitiba and Region project (2012-2015).

Our Director General will be mediating the panel:

Dr. Leura Dalla Riva

PhD in Comparative Public Law from the Department of Political Science at the Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Unicampania, Italy). Master's degree in Law with an emphasis on "Sociobiodiversity Rights" from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Specialist in Environmental Law and Sustainability at Universidade Educacional da Lapa (UNIFAEL). Graduated in Law from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB, Brazil).

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