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Ruptura directors take part in seminars at the Università del Salento (Italy)

Writer's picture: RupturaRuptura

On March 26 and 27, Ruptura's directors Leura Dalla Riva and Artur Bernardo Milchert gave lectures on their research carried out as part of their PhD in Comparative Law at the Università Luigi Vanvitelli (Unicampania, Italy) on the climate emergency and the rights of nature, at the invitation of Professor Dr. Michele Carducci and Professor Dr. Maralice Cunha Verciano.

The seminars were held in front of classes of the Course on "Constitutional Comparison and Geopolitics" and the Course on "Comparative Constitutional Politics" at the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy), under the coordination of Professor Dr. Michele Carducci of the Centro Di Ricerca Euro Americano sulle Politiche Costituzionali UniSalento (CEDEUAM).

On April 10, our International Relations Director Dr. Mayra Angélica Rodriguez Avalos and our collaborator Ian Dávila Cortés (Unicampania) will be at Unisalento representing Ruptura to talk about nature protection and political-electoral rights in Mexico.

Check out the event poster and photos below:

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