On 28 May 2024, at 7pm, Ruptura will hold the seminar "Sociobiodiversity and environmental geopolitical management in the 21st century" as part of Ruptura's Cycle of Debates: socio-environmental and climate challenges for the 21st century, held in partnership with the Postgraduate Law Programme at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGD/UFSM).
In this seminar we will have the honour of welcoming PPGD/UFSM professors Prof. Dr. Ernani Bonesso de Araújo and Prof. Dr. Jerônimo Siqueira Tybusch and as discussants the former PPGD/UFSM Master's student, our Director of Teaching, Research and Publishing, Me. Francieli Iung Izolani and our collaborator Mariana Monteiro Pillar, currently a Master's student at PPGD/UFSM.
The event is extremely important given the sad reality of the climate disaster experienced by the state of Rio Grande do Sul this May. Entries can be made via sympla here.
Certificates will be awarded to all registrants who sign the attendance list when the event is broadcast live on Ruptura's YouTube channel (@projetoruptura).
Prof Dr Ernani Bonesso de Araújo
Doctor and Master in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC. Professor on the Masters in Law programme at the University of Passo Fundo - UPF/RS. Retired Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM/RS. Professor of the Masters in Law at the University of the Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ/RS.
Prof Dr Jerônimo Siqueira Tybusch
PhD in Human Sciences from UFSC. Associate Professor in the Law Department at UFSM. Professor of the Postgraduate Law Programme (PPGD/UFSM) - Master's and Doctorate in Law. Professor on the Postgraduate Programme in Networked Educational Technologies (PPGTER/UFSM) - Professional Master's Degree in Networked Educational Technologies. He is currently Dean of Undergraduate Studies at UFSM and National President of the Brazilian Forum of Undergraduate Pro-Rectors (FORGRAD).
Me. Francieli Iung Izolani
Director of Teaching, Research and Publishing at Ruptura. PhD student in Law at the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and Missões (URI/Santo Ângelo). Master's in Law from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Postgraduate in Constitutional Law, Civil Law and Social Security Law with an emphasis on teaching at Anhanguera University (Uniderp). Graduated in Law from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ). Lawyer.
Mariana Monteiro Pillar
Master's student at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Postgraduate in Constitutional Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from Dom Alberto College. Graduated in Law from the Integrated Regional University of the Upper Uruguay and Missions (URI Alto Uruguai e das Missões). Administration Technician at the Farroupilha Federal Institute - São Vicente do Sul Campus (IFFAR-SVS). Member of the Animal Rights Law Research Group at the Federal University of Santa Maria (GPDA/UFSM).